Mission Statement
My task is to help awaken humanity, to the awareness that God is the core of each and every one of us. Whether we refer to that being as God, Spirit, Allah, Brahma, Tao, Great White Spirit, or All That Is; the important thing is to respect everyone's divine right to worship in the way they see fit.
There are many rivers to the Great Ocean of Consciousness and as such, we should be open to all our brothers and sisters, regardless of their approach to Spirit. Let the walls of divisiveness come tumbling down to allow the divine consciousness of love and light to permeate and recreate Earth as it was originally intended: as a paradise, nonetheless, an extension of the most perfect and purist divine thought! We are all, truly, the light of the world. May we gaze within and meet the divine light within our hearts.
Every single one of us is equal in the eyes of God therefore, we must never think that our own positive thoughts and actions cannot possibly help in this great endeavor. We are all children of God who have been gifted this beautiful planet to learn, unlearn and evolve on. This is a clarion call to all of humanity. All people of love who extend their hearts out to their spouses, partners, children, friends, and all fellow human beings, are called to this great undertaking at this very moment. As well as those who have an affinity towards being one with the Earth; whether it’s walking barefoot in the sand alongside the ocean, gazing at the sun while it sets beyond the horizon or tending to flowers and vegetables in one’s garden. All nationalities, genders, creeds, ethnicities, belief systems, sexual preferences and political predilections are called to awaken for the inner essence of every human being, is in fact, the same. Emphatically, we are one. As always, united we stand, divided we shall surely fall.
Use the tools that have manifested through me for they will help you to awaken. Practice makes perfect. I have seen the victory. Let us as offspring of the Most High, make this a reality. There is always hope and faith to achieve this accomplishment. May we fulfill this by loving and connecting with one another-inwardly and globally. May we visualize our brothers and sisters all over the world, as beads on the rosary of God’s Holy Family.
Use the tools I provide for you on my website three times a day every day: once at 8am, 12pm and 6pm. May we dive deep into awareness of All That We Are and create a potent force of love and healing for all of humanity. Together we can alchemically shift the essence of humanity from coarse lead to pure gold. First we must believe and then we can achieve! Get on the peace train and create Heaven on Earth as it’s fated and destined to be!
Come the New Jerusalem “Entering The City Of Light”
Entering the City Of Light is a synthesis of the teaching that have been the closest to my heart. It serves as a light or pathway to realize God while living in the world. The simple truth is that God lives in all people, places, and things, regardless of the belief systems that continually divide us.